Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend Knitting

My little sister got married this past Saturday (Congrats, sis!)


I got to spend a lot of quality time with family that lives far away from me.

Family 2008.11.09

And I got to spend hours and hours sitting and knitting--in the airport, in the plane, in the car. I finished up a garter-stitch scarf in handspun and started a new pair of socks.
Handspun Garter Stitch Scarf

I'm also working on the Mystery Beret (Ravelry link) in some bubblegum pink handspun.


  1. I love your pictures! I nice blog. How did you get the berries on your backdrop? I really like that.

    I just love looking at the beautiful yarns in your pictures.

    Good luck at school :o)

  2. The family photo is priceless!
