Saturday, August 19, 2006

A sudden change of pace

Enough is enough! Someone I work with keeps turning the air conditioning to FRIGID. So I've pulled out some yarn I have in my stash and decided to make myself a cardigan. I started it last night. The pattern is one I've had my eye on for a while, Bristow, from an old issue of Knitty.

(Know what? Black is very hard to photograph!)

After having made little except socks for a while, I'm surprised that the needles don't feel huge and awkward. I'm sure that when I go back to socks, they'll seem tiny and fragile. Not like it's going to stop me!!!


  1. Another knitting blog. This truly is amazing.

  2. Oh, man, someone in my office did the same....a cardi would not take care of it, even with a shawl on top of that....

    DAMN them!

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Hello Secret Pal--

    Just a little note to say that you still have another package coming, just a bit delayed. I moved 2 weeks ago, and I know you know how confusing that can be!
